Builders & Developers

We can help provide your homes with a cutting edge — making them stand out even more.

solar panels texas

Incorporating solar into new construction projects protects the customer against future utility rate increases. Building a more energy independent home that requires significantly lower operating costs is worth even more on the resale market.

As more and more consumers look for energy efficiency in their new homes, the value of this option will continue to increase.

The most innovative and resilient home builders and developers now recognize the value of optimizing a new lot for solar power due to the increasing amount of energy conscious customers.

These customers realize:

  • It is less expensive to generate electricity with solar than to use the grid

  • Systems are cash positive from day one

  • Added value to the home is greater than the cost

  • New mortgage options allow for solar investment to be folded into the home price, without the need to be approved for a new loan.

Solar-ready lots provide a great deal for the customer, while also allowing the builder to sell more homes.

What we do

We work with architects and builders to make sure the site is suited for solar energy, then design a system to maximize energy production. Combined with the energy efficiencies you are currently building into your homes, together we can help the customer move closer to net zero energy usage. By incorporating solar-ready fundamentals into your building projects, you not only have the lowest installation cost, but are ensuring that the design is aesthetically pleasing. Should the customer decide to install the solar system at a later date, making the new home “Solar Ready,” (pre-wiring the home during the construction phase) allows for a smooth, hassle free addition down the road.